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One of the universal truths and it happens to be a personal reality is that a dog is man’s best friend.

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce to you my best buddy: Lego. He's an extremely furry dog, half of his body weight is his white and brown crop that extends to a curled-up bushy tail that he keeps wagging when we are together. He looks cool with his black patches of fur on top of his eyes and to me, he appears like a polished gentleman wearing goggles. He is a pretty small dog but is a handsome tall dude for his breed towering over his fellow Shih Tzu’s.

Even as a puppy, he was very active and eager to play. That's why we named him Lego–which in Danish means ‘let’s play’.


I’m a class XII student, and needless to add, I’m mostly overworked, and at times stressed. And Lego is my go to person. He makes me smile like no one else can. He sits with me, licking me happily makes me happy. He has this adorable ability to help me deal with stress that’s part and parcel of a student in the final year of school.


Lego is very emotionally sensitive and receptive. I’m impressed by how fast he can pick up on non-verbal cues. He can decipher my mood, whether I’m happy or sad, upset or angry, or just pensive looking out of the window with no particular thought in my mind. He seems to know instinctively. If I am feeling low he would come, cuddle, and lick me to try to comfort me. And he makes me feel good, if not about the situation then at least by way of his presence.

His emotional quotient is higher than some of the people I know, especially my brother. And I suspect he feels the same.

He is also outrightly intelligent and can take advantage of a scenario to fit his needs and meet his desires. For instance, if another dog is playing roughly with him, and pushing him around, he’ll just stop engaging with him, and approach the owner of the dog and stare piercingly into his eyes and via eyes into their soul expecting the dog’s owner to discipline his errant pet.

I’m a class XII student, and needless to add, I’m mostly overworked, and at times stressed. And Lego is my go to person. He makes me smile like no one else can. He sits with me, licking me happily makes me happy. He has this adorable ability to help me deal with stress that’s part and parcel of a student in the final year of school.

Lego is also extremely social. He gets along so well with people and dogs. He sometimes goes on long walks to meet his neighbours and furry four-legged companions instead of relieving himself. That’s an obligation that he wants to indulge in repeatedly, almost half a dozen times a day. If you think his frequent walks are short, you are mistaken as Lego can take up to 30 minutes to greet all and sundry in our locality.

He gets extremely excited when he meets new people and dogs. He is friendly even to strangers and curious to know about them, he wags his tail and jumping is his way of hugging. He has leadership qualities, and dominates a congregation of stray dogs. Everyone, dogs, humans, cows, goats, except for cats, seems to be very fond of him. Lego also has some very distinctive quirks, for example instead of curling up and sleeping like most dogs do, he stretches out his limbs mimicking Superman in flight. He sleeps in that extended position. Lego has a bed of his own but he mostly doesn't sleep there. In the middle of the night, he jumps from his bed to that of my parents Lego’s favourite place to sleep is on my father’s pillow with his tail brushing my father’s face.

Feeding him is a ritual. He refuses to eat himself. He's either to be hand fed by me or my mother or brother. He needs company, or a party of sorts, to cajole him to eat his food. He definitely is a party animal. Lego eating himself without people around him is as rare as the second coming of Christ.

When a doorbell rings, Lego is the first person to rush and greet whoever is on the other side of the door.

In the peak of summer, we get Lego a haircut to relieve him of his thick and burdensome vegetation to help him deal with the oppressive heat of Delhi. If he realises he is being taken for a haircut masquerading as a usual walk, he will just stop in the middle of the road and will refuse to budge. Finally, one of us will pick him up and transport him to a Dog's saloon.

Unlike other dogs, Lego doesn’t mind bathing but hates getting dried using a hairdryer. He hates the warm air on his wet coat and whines and cries as if he is being subjected to third-degree torture.

When we go for a vacation in the mountains of Uttarakhand or Himachal Pradesh, we take Lego along. He is comfortable as is a native of the hills of Tibet. He can go on long arduous treks with us without breaking a sweat or getting exhausted.

Lego is a very recent addition to our family, he came to us in 2020. In this short time, he has become an integral part of our family. Lego is not just a pet, he has this enviable ability to lighten up our lives. Lego is the best thing that has happened to me. He is my best friend.



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